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Welcome to The Number 1 brothel, formerly Southside X in Moorabbin where an era of unrestricted indulgence has been carefully recreated to establish Melbourne’s busiest brothel.

No expense has been spared to meticulously ensure The Number 1 is the most ultra-luxurious 5 star purpose built boutique bordello on Melbourne.

Our magnificent decor and state of the art facilities, built within an intimate world of exquisite luxury provides a sensual environment for you to explore your most sensual desires in Melbourne’s busiest brothel.

We invite you experience the exceptional quality and elegance we have created in our world class brothel in Moorabbin, that we can assure you is second to none.

When you visit The Number 1, you can expect to meet some of the most deliciously sensual and seductive ladies imaginable (most of which are brand new to the adult industry).

It is our well-earned impeccable reputation for these types of ladies, which is accredited to our success. You can be assured that our ladies will take you experience to a whole new level.

Our ultra-luxurious Melbourne established has been designed to create a world totally devoted to your every sexual pleasure, making it our priority to ensure that your experience with us is totally unforgettable.

From the moment you walk through the door of Melbourne’s busiest brothel, you will be captured by the lush surroundings that have a richness that cannot be surpassed.

Our private ultra-luxurious establishment is in Moorabbin only 10km from the Melbourne CBD and is open from 10am daily to provide only the very best adult services in Melbourne.

Call us now on

(03) 9532 2666
Take the Tour